Good Dinner, Bad Movie | The Mask

Good Dinner, Bad Movie | The Mask

Show notes

This week, Matt, Rob, and podcaster-in-residence Max introduce the first edition of a Good Dinner, Bad Movie night, breaking down 1994 feature film, The Mask. We recommend getting together with a friend for a good meal and a few laughs over this good bad movie before listening to the pod.

Topics discussed:

  1. Intro from the Multimedia Lounge (1:10)
  2. Movie nominations from the Shredder's nation (4:26)
  3. Reason for this week's film, The Mask (11:40)
  4. Cuban pairing from Victor's 1959 Cafe (17:43)
  5. Word from our sponsor (22:21)
  6. The Who, What, Where, When, Why of The Mask (25:16)
  7. How would you rate it? (1:15:08)

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